Diane Demirci
Having qualified as a graphic designer in 1985 which led to working in design and advertising for twenty years, art had always been an important part of Diane's life which resulted in her moving direction and focusing on creating paintings.
Inspired by a love of all things green and having been fortunate enough to have spent a childhood playing in fields, Diane still returns from walks with handfuls of weeds and grasses. The texture and shapes are an endless source of inspiration, as she believes the most beautiful things can often be found in the most unlikely of places from the roadside to waste ground.
Diane paints rural scenes, particularly coastal areas exploring the mood, colour and textures of those environments. The end result for Diane when painting a picture is to hopefully create something that is aesthetically pleasing, that is simply a pleasure to look at and lets you find a new little detail the more you look in to it.